Saturday, November 7, 2009

Teaching methodology in our department

Hi folks,

I am pretty sure each of has a lot of things to say about the teaching methodologies followed in our department. I think it's time we voice our opinion in this concern and bring about a change for the better. I have enlisted some of the major problems that we all face, please comment on the blog and give your valuable suggestions about the same and about any other issues if I have missed out any.

  • Grading system:
We observe that practically in all our departmental courses is
20-20-60 or 25-25-50, means that every single exam directly affects your grade, this becomes pretty unfair.

  • Assignments:
There are no assignments given in essentially any of our departmental courses. All the tutorials end up being very unstructured since no assignment is given which the students can attempt before coming to the class.

  • Projects/Presentations:
Some of the courses in our department do have projects/presentations, but some creative ideas for projects/presentations can be introduced in most courses including courses like MTH301 etc.
  • Attendance:
It is observed that the attendance in our departmental courses is generally low. I am pretty sure all of us would accept that what is learnt in a 1hr lecture takes much more than an hour when one reads on his own. So what is to be done about this issue?

I humbly accept that my personal opinions and biases have been reflected in this post to a certain extent. Please forgive me for that. Please feel free to express your opinions frankly.

For those who want to know what will be the result of this blog discussion, after we reach a consensus on what is to be done, or generate a lot of ideas about the issues, I as the DUGC student representative will take these ideas to the HOD and present them before him. We can also have an open house on the same in the near future to have a more in-depth discussion in which more faculty can be involved.

PS: Please dont post as an anonymous user.